After school one day a teacher that worked with the group pulled me aside. One of my friends was with me so she tagged along. I plopped up on a desk and she stood by the door. Immediately the teacher started scolding me… asking me what had I done for the group? She was upset and condemning. I was in such shock at her approach I just started to cry. I really wasn’t sure what I should be doing in the first place and now I was being scolded for it. Immediately my friend came to my defense. She told the teacher she shouldn’t talk to me that way and instead she could instruct me rather than scolding me. She also said the group was lucky to have me (not sure how true that was) but we walked out of the classroom that day and I never spoke to the teacher again or went to another group meeting. I felt attacked and I was hurt. So my reaction was to quit. To run away from facing the issues.
As I look back I think of how God has called us. How at times it is easy to get overwhelmed at what that is. We have this life, maybe a position (location, place, stance) and you know you are supposed to do something with it. You know God has called you but you find yourself getting caught up in what it is EXACTLY you are supposed to be doing. Ever feel that way?
Well 2 Timothy 1:9 says:
Who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began.
Sometimes things happen where there is simply an opportunity to share God’s word or to just encourage someone and I realize my purpose is not necessarily a title or a role I should play, but simply to love and uplift others. To hug a friend or message another mom and simply say, “God has equiped you to get through this.”
Now the enemy is tricky… he wants to pull us aside and make us feel isolated. He wants to corner us and make us question, “what good am I doing?” Then he brings his lies in to occupy our mind. He wants us to believe we are useless and that we have no purpose. He will remind you of past failures and maybe even convince you that the small things you do are insignificant and do not matter. He wants to try to make you believe you are not worthy or able to help anyone. But these thoughts are LIES. Lies to trip you up and distract you. He want to bring worry and fear and try and make you feel inadequate. His goal is to make you walk away, throw in the towel and quit.
Everytime I want to quite God reminds me HE is the reason I do what I do. He is the reason we should show love and share our story with the world. Not because we have life figured out and everything all together but because we are willing… And that is all He needs. God does not ask you for something you do not already possess. He equips you!
2 Corinthians 8:12 – For if the eagerness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have.
God will always provide you with the exact tools you need. Trust Him.
Hebrews 13:21 – May he equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to him. All glory to him forever and ever! Amen.